Introductory Training Flight


This flight is the first step towards obtaining your PPL

You will be receiving instruction like a regular student pilot and will be involved in all the pre-flight and post-flight duties.

An Introductory Flight, also known as Familiarization (FAM) Flight, is for those who are thinking about taking flying lessons and obtaining a pilot’s license. It’s a regular flight lesson where you will be flying under the supervision of a Flight Instructor. During the flight, you will be receiving instruction like a regular student pilot and will be involved in all the pre-flight and post-flight duties such as route planning, aircraft inspections, weather briefing and taking control of the aircraft with take-off, climbs, descents, and turns. This flight is normally reserved for one person, as additional passengers can take away from the learning experience. In addition, the flight can also be logged as your first lesson for the Pilot Training Record recognized by Transport Canada.

*Reserved for students enroll into flight training afterward

*Please note that the time selected during the booking process represents your ideal time for the experience. We will make every effort to accommodate your preferred time. In the event that we are unable to schedule your flight at your chosen time, we will promptly contact you to discuss alternative options and reschedule your booking. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Introductory Flight includes:

  • 45 mins of flight with instructor on a Cessna 172M aircraft

  • 15 minutes of ground briefing prior and after flight explaining flying procedures and basic theory

  • 15 minutes of aircraft walk around for thorough inspection of the aircraft


    • Kids under age of 12 requires an adult's supervision

      Introductory Flight: Your First Step to Becoming a Pilot

      An introductory flight is the perfect first step for anyone considering a career as a pilot. This initial experience provides a foundational understanding of what it takes to fly an aircraft and gives you a taste of the responsibilities and rewards that come with piloting.

      During the flight, you will have the opportunity to take the controls and perform basic maneuvers under the guidance of a certified flight instructor. This hands-on experience is invaluable, offering a real sense of what pilot training entails. It also helps you develop a feel for the aircraft and understand the fundamental principles of flight.

      The introductory flight also serves as an excellent opportunity to discuss your career aspirations with your instructor. They can provide insights into the different pathways to becoming a pilot, such as obtaining a private pilot license, a commercial pilot license, or even an instructor rating. Additionally, they can outline the steps involved in flight training, including ground school, flight hours, and the various exams and certifications required.

      By taking an introductory flight, you are making an informed decision about your future in aviation. It allows you to experience the thrill of flying firsthand and helps you decide if you want to pursue further training and ultimately, a career as a pilot.

      What to Expect During an Introductory Flight

      An introductory flight is designed to give you a firsthand experience of flying an aircraft and a glimpse into the world of aviation. When you arrive at the flight school, you will be greeted by your flight instructor, who will guide you through the entire process. The experience typically begins with a pre-flight briefing, where the instructor explains the basics of flying, the controls of the aircraft, and the flight plan for your session.

      Next, you will head out to the aircraft for a pre-flight inspection. The instructor will show you how to check the aircraft’s systems and ensure everything is in working order. Once you are seated in the cockpit, the instructor will explain the various instruments and controls.

      During the flight, you will get the opportunity to take the controls under the instructor's supervision. You will experience basic maneuvers such as climbs, turns, and descents. The instructor will handle the takeoff and landing, ensuring a safe and smooth experience. Throughout the flight, you will enjoy stunning views and gain a deeper understanding of what it feels like to be a pilot.

      After landing, there will be a post-flight debriefing where you can ask questions and discuss your experience. This session provides valuable insights and can help you decide if pursuing a pilot’s license is the right path for you.

      Benefits of Taking an Introductory Flight

      Taking an introductory flight offers numerous benefits, especially if you are considering a career in aviation or simply have a passion for flying. One of the primary benefits is the hands-on experience it provides. Unlike flight simulators or ground school, an introductory flight allows you to feel the real-world dynamics of flying an aircraft.

      This experience helps you determine if flying is something you truly enjoy and want to pursue further. It’s an excellent way to test the waters before committing to the time and financial investment required for flight training. Additionally, it provides an exciting and memorable experience that can inspire and motivate you to achieve your aviation goals.

      Another significant benefit is the opportunity to interact with experienced flight instructors. They can provide valuable insights into the aviation industry, answer any questions you have about the training process, and offer personalized advice based on your performance during the flight.

      For those looking to overcome a fear of flying, an introductory flight can be a transformative experience. Being in control of the aircraft, even for a short time, can help build confidence and reduce anxiety associated with flying.

      Overall, an introductory flight is a valuable first step toward becoming a pilot and offers a unique and exhilarating experience that can help you make an informed decision about your future in aviation.

      How to Prepare for Your Introductory Flight

      Preparing for your introductory flight involves a few simple steps to ensure you have a smooth and enjoyable experience. First, dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather. Layers are a good idea as temperatures can vary, especially at different altitudes. Wear closed-toe shoes for safety and ease of movement.

      Arrive at the flight school well-rested and on time. This will give you a chance to relax and mentally prepare for the experience. It’s also a good idea to eat a light meal beforehand to keep your energy levels up without feeling too full.

      If you wear glasses or contact lenses, make sure to bring them, as clear vision is crucial for flying. It’s also helpful to jot down any important information or questions you may have during the pre-flight briefing.

      Listen carefully to your instructor during the pre-flight briefing and ask any questions you might have. Understanding the basics of the flight plan and aircraft controls will make the experience more enjoyable and less overwhelming.

      Lastly, approach the flight with an open mind and a positive attitude. Flying for the first time can be an exhilarating experience, and being prepared will help you make the most of it.

      Safety Measures for Introductory Flights

      Safety is the top priority for any flight, and introductory flights are no exception. Flight schools adhere to strict safety protocols to ensure that every flight is conducted safely and professionally. Before the flight, the aircraft undergoes a thorough pre-flight inspection to check all systems and components, ensuring they are in good working order.

      The pre-flight briefing conducted by your certified flight instructor includes important safety information. You will learn about the aircraft’s safety features, emergency procedures, and how to operate the safety equipment. The instructor will also explain the flight plan and what to expect during the flight, so you feel well-prepared.

      During the flight, the instructor remains in control at all times, ready to take over if necessary. They are trained to handle any situation and will guide you through the flight, ensuring your safety and comfort. The aircraft used for introductory flights are typically well-maintained and equipped with modern safety features.

      In addition to these measures, you will be required to wear a seatbelt at all times and follow all instructions given by the instructor. These protocols ensure that you can enjoy the experience of flying while staying safe.



      Introductory Flight


      • Special promotion: If you enroll in the PPL program with us within one week after the flight, Compass Flight will put $297.59 credit into your flight account that can be used towards flight training.
      • Prices do not include taxes.
      • Prices are subject to change.